jeudi 25 février 2010

The tricky part of the PHD usually is that you need to do some research, and trust me, here, there is not such issue. Research is a real treat!
So for those who don’t follow: just here should be a link to a posting done about two days ago (oh go on, help me out, this is your research for today, you can do it), yes I am doing a PHD on hopelessness. Ok you could ask me why I choose this subject…. OK no, you are not going to ask you have been reading enough of the shit here to make your own mind: bravo.
So coming back to my research, I don’t need to explain that the web is very well equip on this subject, in fact the web seems to have been created for this subject. I would like to appeal to you guys, please send me any piece of hopelessness you can find on the web (your are limited to one per head please, I don’t want to google police knocking on the door to send me in some US prison somewhere) . yesterday I found something extremely disconcerting, i though that I was an expert and in fact 1)I don’t know one thing about M 2) there is really twisted people. OK I have already explained about the guy who has a blog call “I fuck on Meetic”…nice! I will not put the link here because I cannot face the responsibility of giving some credits to the guy. I will give you here a light version: . God why such emptiness, for fuck sake!
This is absolutely professional blog, I am ashamed of myself and the lack of technology here compare with this guy, respect man! as soon as I make my first million here, I will hire you to run the back office (only the back office mate sorry)
I don’t get it… I feel down, why oh why! thinking that there are much more terrible thing if I start looking make me want to take the computer and trash it.

1 commentaire:

  1. I need to add, I have a lot of respect for the guy, the quality of the work is amazing the writing is excellent. So I am very impressed I just dont understand why?
    Anadema if you can explain? (i will go on your site and ask you why)
