jeudi 12 novembre 2009

Men's Pseudo...NO!!!!!!!

Ok guys here we are, I have reviewed for you, with the help of my assistant (thanks lieutenant), the lovely website and collected just for you the best of the pseudo...La crème de la crème. Ok I am sure we can do better and if somebody turn up on this blog (highly improbable) with better examples of the mankind’s creativity deployed on Meetic, please feel free (in fact I am begging you) to share it with us.
Today I will focus on men only, I have to admit, men looks much more stupid than women in their choice of pseudo, some will comments that men are more stupid full point, I am afraid, I think I will agree even if I am myself a man.

So these pseudo:

Ok let’s go with one of the best
"Le Grand Pardon" ("The Big Apology"), I know my example are in French today….Did I tell you we are an international blog here?

Sir Le grand Pardon, I dont know what you need to apologise for but apologising before meeting the lady of your dream may not be very attractive. I can see the attractiveness from a niche marketing point of view, it is true that man do not apologise much so you will have a unique selling point but please can you not find something more exiting than an apology!

“Vilain chatiment” (translate something like “Ugly Punishment”)
No please. even on the SM scene they were puzzled by this one. OK… OK… If you are part of the SM scene, please you don’t need to comment I am not in fact that much interested… Please I am a simple guy.
But why do you call yourself “Ugly Punishment”, I think I will organise an interview of Ugly Punishment in future posting to get to the bottom of it. (note to myself: not to talk about the “bottom of it” with Mister Ugly Punishement).

“Thon Prince” (“Tuna Prince”)
Yes Tuna… So Ladies if you are looking for a tuna don’t look anymore we’ve got him, you just need a big tank.
You all have noticed that TonPrince will translate on Your Prince and will be much less fun, so thanks you Mister TunaPrince for helping us to demonstrate why you should not trust Meetic

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